Saturday, 3 July 2010

Back in Tortola

Well, we've finished the sailing part of our holidays. It is Saturday 3rd, we've just seen Germany beat Argentina 4-0, comfortably seated on land, in a bar. It was 10.00 am, and right next to us there was a wedding taking place, of local people (black), with the most outstanding hair dos, satin dresses with long sleeves, all very colourful. The church ceremony had already taken place and all these people (around 150) were seated in a room with no air conditioning, because it had no walls. Here many buildings don 't have walls. There was a buffet in the distance, and nice music.

Well, yesterday morning we went sailing at last de bolina, to a place called The Indians, where we snorkelled, this was the best place. Magnificent. We had arroz con atun and then we motored back to a place called Soper's hole, where we saw Uruguay Ghana. What a match, typical of Uruguay to make everybody suffer until the last second!!! We stayed there and for dinner Robin cooked barbecued chops and Sally Anne made the puree. All very good. Nextg to our boat there was another yacht shining lights into the water and we could see some very very big fish swimming.

All the children use the dinghy very well, coming and going from boat to boat, sometimes waving the Uruguay flag.

At 6.20 pm we are taking the plane to Puerto Rico, and then to Miami to spend the night, and tomorrow in the cars to Orlando.

I'll try to upload some photos.

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